Monday, November 22, 2010

Lot's Wife discussion in Biblical Voices of Hope help resources

Thanks to everyone who tuned in tonight for our second segment of Biblical Voices of Hope about the journeys of women in the Bible. Our first segment about Eve was a huge success. We hope you enjoyed tonight's show as well.

Gayle and Teresa discussed the story of Lot's wife as found in Genesis Chapter 19:1 - 29. This is the story of Lot and his family. It begins as a rescue. It ends with the death of Lot's wife as she looked back at the cities and was turned into a pillar of salt.

During tonights Biblical Voices of Hope, Gayle and Teresa talked about Lot's family. To these ladies, two aspects of the story stand out that may be of help to survivors. One is that survivors should look to the future for hope and new life. The other thing that Gayle and Teresa talked about was the lack of faith that Lot's wife showed.

Other resources that were referenced during Biblical Voices of Hope include:

These Bible scriptures and others can be researched online through this link.

We are in the process of putting a study guide together for this segment of Biblical Voices of Hope. Keep watching the Hope Blog for details.

Hope reminder:

If you are spending too much time looking back in your life we want you to know that help is available. Resources that you may be able to tap into include local and national hotlines, help centers in your area and your pastor. We have two hotlines listed on the Hope Blog that may also be of help.

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