Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Education outreach dispay at men's conference

Many thanks to those of you who stopped by our booth at Calling All Men. We appreciate each and every one of you. Talking to you, hearing your stories and providing you with the tools that you need are what we are here for! We can help with the following:

  • Survivors - We can provide support, understanding and help you locate emergency resources
  • Pastors - We can provide training to help you understand the unique needs of victims who are already within your congregation. Our staff can help you create a resource list so that you will be ready to help your parishioners at a moment's notice. We also have pulpit helps, responsive readings and bulletin inserts. Contact us for more information.
  • Friends - We can help you by providing you with the support, education and resources that you need to be better able to help your friends.
No one deserves to be a victim of domestic or sexual violence. No who is dealing with these issues needs to feel alone. Outreach displays help us get the word out and reassure other victims. Thanks to Calling All Men for allowing us to get the message out. Would you like us to display at your event? Email countmein@hopeforhealing.org today.

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