Monday, October 17, 2011

Domestic violence survivors needed financial tools at SAFE. #dvam Pls RT

Finances are one reason why women return to abusers. Some women who are abused are financially dependent upon their spouse and only receive an allowance. When she leaves the money dries up and she can feel helpless. At the end of the day the kids still have to be fed, gas has to be put in the car and the utility bill has to be paid.

Programs like Sisters Acquiring Financial Empowerment can make a difference. But, they can only help if survivors know about them. Why not share the status update below by sending it to your Twitter followers or posting it to your Facebook page?

Domestic Violence Awareness Month status update for October 17: 

SAFE helps domestic violence survivors develop needed financial tools. #dvam #dv Pls RT

Want to learn more? Visit the website listed above and read these articles from Forbes.

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