Friday, March 12, 2010

Handcrafted Cards Given to a Shelter and Jail Ministry

This week cards made by volunteers helped make hope happen. These handcrafted cards were given to  a shelter and to a jail ministry. You can imagine that $2 spent on cards and stamps might be a hardship for someone who is homeless due to domestic violence or economics. Women who are in crisis situations don't have the luxury of purchasing cards to send to family or friends. Giving handmade cards is a valued act of kindness.

Some of the cards that we make are eventually sold to benefit  Hope for Healing.Org. (We have to purchase supplies, internet access and basic expenses.)  It is our goal that as many of the cards as possible will be given to the women who need it.

It's part of how we provide education and support to the victims of sexual or domestic violence that we serve and give hope to the people who love them.

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