We are welcoming guest bloggers on this blog. Although there is no pay, writers will benefit from a link back to their relevant blog or website and from the increased exposure. Some articles will be linked to from our newsletter.
Ideally, the articles will be between 250 - 400 words. Fewer words won't hold the interest of the reader. Higher word counts will bore the reader.
There are a couple more things to keep in mind when guest blogging here.
1. Writers must be over 18.
2. All content must fit with the the theme of supporting survivors of sexual or domestic violence.
3. The content must be 100% unique to this blog. It must not appear anywhere else online for a minimum of 30 days.
4. The work must be your own. It cannot be 'borrowed' from someone else.
5. All articles must be written in English.
6. Work will need to pass Copyscape.
Work can include articles on any issue regarding sexual or domestic violence. It can be healing poems, non-triggering articles based on the individual experience of a survivor, about a specific agency or nonprofit or other subjects. Authors will be responsible for their own work and will own the copyright except for a requested 30 day exclusive period.
Does this sound like something you are interested in? Email your article to us today at volunteer@hopeforhealing.org.
Hope for Healing.Org accepts no responsibility for the work of each author and retains the right to refuse articles that do not adhere to the above guidelines.
I am a survivor of multiple forms of abuse. I recently took a huge step on speaking out and published a book on Amazon that begins my story. With your permission, I would like to post the link to the book (while it's still a free download) and possibly open up the table for discussion. Not necessarily to promote, but to maybe help others release pain and secrets that they too may still be holding inside. It's too easy to feel like you are alone in this type of pain and I would like to put my book to work with the intentions that it was written for.
Hi Dark Rose,
I just saw your comment and think that a link to your book is a great idea.
Feel free to add it in a comment. Or if you'd prefer to email me at hello@hopeforhealing.org that would be okay too.
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