Thursday, October 27, 2011

Phoenix DV programs simulates victim experience #dvam

Would it be helpful if every city replicated what is happening in Phoenix? They are holding a program to simulate the experiences of victims of domestic violence. This finally gives non-victims a chance to understand what it is like to go through the system.

Participants are given a bio sheet of a victim and told to go through different stations. Each one of these will simulate what victims will go through. At the end of the program there will be a wrap up with discussion. The event is called "In Her Shoes' and is open to the public.

We have chosen to raise awareness of this event as our status update for today. There are only a few more days in October. Will help help us during Domestic Violence Awareness Month by retweeting this status update or post it to your Facebook page? 

Status update for October 27
Phoenix DV programs simulates victim experience #dvam

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