Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Teen Dating Violence Session

Last week's session on Teen Dating Violence was presented to a packed crowd. We really appreciate everyone who came out and I want to specifically thank Liz and Chante for their help. An information packet was emailed to those who have requested one. Please let me know if you want one and I'll be glad to email that out to you. 

It is very sad that abuse effects so many teens annually. The bright spot is that so many people are willing to come, learn and use their new found knowledge. Certificates of attendance have been emailed to class participants. 

We heard from a couple of people who would couldn't come because of other commitments. This happens sometimes. Our volunteers have come up with a solution. We are going to be holding teleclasses later this spring so be sure to watch the newsletter for details. 

One of the topics that we covered at the Teen Dating Violence Session was about the warning signs of victimization. Parents of teenagers need to know what the possible signs of victimization are and they need to know about possible signs of abusive behavior.

Tomorrow, we're going to be looking at signs that a youth may be a victim of teen dating violence. There are two things that everyone should keep in mind when looking at teenagers and domestic abuse. 

#1. If you suspect something, say something.
#2. Abused teens are abused kids. Be aware of your child abuse reporting laws. 

Abusers try to keep victims emotionally and physically away from others. Saying something can be the first step in breaking or preventing a cycle of teen dating violence.

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