Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Domestic Violence Book: Time's Up

Leave it to Susan Murphy-Milano to do it again. Every time she introduces a book the information gets better and better. So it is this time with Time's Up: How to Escape Abusive and Stalking Relationships Guide.

Susan Murphy-Milano is a nationally recognized advocate, speaker and author. She has appeared on numerous television, radio and internet radio shows. Her message of empowerment speaks to the hearts of survivors. She portrays a can-do attitude that is inspiring and life changing.

Time's Up starts where other self-help guides on domestic violence stop. It urges victims of domestic violence to create an evidentiary affidavit. Then the book walks you through the entire process. What could be a complicated process is broken down into simple terms so that anyone who needs the information can use it.

This book by Susan Murphy-Milano is perfect for survivors, battered women's shelters, clergy or anyone else who works with domestic violence victims. There is no time like now for victims to get information they need. Time's Up should be on the bookshelf of every shelter.

A review copy was provided by Susan Murphy-Milano. Thank you for allowing us to share the word on this incredible tool for survivors. 

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