Monday, November 30, 2009

Recovery from Rape

Recovery  from rape can be a long process. Two things that makes healing go smoother for many survivors are friends and family who believe and stand by us and a strong support network. The support network should include family and friends. It may also include support from a rape crisis center, educational materials, clergy, other survivors, a therapist or doctor. Survivors need to remember that it is acceptable to reach out for any help that is needed.

Recovery from rape is sometimes slowed by issues of finances or court battles. Victim Compensation is available in all 50 states. Each state has different rules regarding applying for funding. To find the Victim Compensation Fund in your area click this link.

Flashbacks, PTSD and social stigma are common issues in recovery from rape. Support from a rape crisis center can be helpful these symptoms manifest. Walking in the door can be hard. RAINN operates a National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1.800.656.HOPE. If you would like to local a rape crisis center in your area a list of state coalitions can be found online here.

Many times survivors' lives will be rearranged and reevaluated. Universally, survivors will feel overwhelmed from time to time. No one can put a time frame on recovery from rape even though every survivor wants to do so. It is important for a survivor to have time and space to grieve.

In short, anyone who is looking at recovery from rape deserves to have whatever support is needed to heal. There is no shame in healing or in surviving a rape or sexual assault. All shame should be placed squarely on the shoulders of the abuser which is where it belongs.

Rape is never the fault of the victim.


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