Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Speaking at First UMC of Greeneville at 7PM

I had a great time with everyone at First United Methodist Church of Greeneville. We talked about community outreach. They're already doing a great job of compassion evangelism but we hope this helped them fine tune their goals.

Compassion evangelism is probably the best way to meet people who are on the marginalized edges of society. I like to think of compassion evangelism as a way to put Christ in the spot between the rock and the hard place or where the rubber meets the road. This is not always a good place to be which is why Christ is so needed there.

For churches, compassion evangelism offers a way to reach a segment of the population that they might otherwise overlook. It is an intentional ministry where lives are changed for both those who serve and are served. When compassion evangelism is done well the lines between who are being served and who is serving is sometimes blurred. It's the erasing of "us" versus "them" as each blends into "we". The results are powerful.

Compassion evangelism is not for every church. But, for First UMC of Greeneville it seems to be where God is leading. Seeing the church members follow His lead is truly exciting. I look forward to hearing good thing from those who are involved.

Does your church need help discerning which direction of compassion evangelism to take? Give us a call. We'll be glad to help.

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