Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Local Charity Hope for Healing.Org Blogathon Details

Use this isearchigive search engine link to help victims.

The Hope for Healing.Org Blogathon is just around the corner! The event date is set to begin at 8:00 am on Saturday, August 15. It will run for 24 hours. We'll be posting a special blogroll of all the blogs that will be participating.

Participating bloggers will solicit sponsors. Sponsors can pledge to donate a certain amount per blog post made by the blogger or for however many hours the blogger stays awake. Some sponsors will want to make a one-time donation of a set amount.

Our first sponsor has pledged to donate .25 for each post our ED makes in the 24 hour period. Our goal is for each blogger who participates to raise a minimum of $20 each. There is no minimum or maximum amount. Donations can be made via pay pal, check or money order.

Bloggers do not have to write about sexual or domestic violence. While we do hope that participants will choose to write at least one article on sexual or domestic violence it is not required. Bloggers can write about what fits their lifestyle or blog.

Bloggers who do hit the $20 minimum will receive a free set of notecards as a thank you. These have been made by volunteers of Hope for Healing.Org and by Hope Youth.

All proceeds benefit Hope for Healing.Org and will go to our general fund. This helps us pay the rent and other bills.

Please contact us at blogathon(at) to register your blog today.

Look for more details on the Hope for Healing.Org blogathon to come soon!

We heartily thank Blogathon for allowing us to use their name in conjunction with this event, according to their Creative Commons License.

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