Wednesday, June 04, 2008

God Lives in an Alley

I write this post to remind us of our humanity. Every homeless person, street person, is someone's family member. We look away. We want to shield our eyes from the sea of humanity that is less fortunate. We don't want to think that could be us. Sometimes we don't risk talking to"them" for fear that poverty is contagious. They say that most American's are two paychecks from being on the streets. That was before gas prices skyrocketed. We don't want to be reminded that the person on the street could be us, or someone we love, so we don't talk to them.


My husband and I are moving. Right now, packing is consuming much of my after work hours. Fortunately, my husband is taking some of the pressure off by collecting boxes.

He's gained a lot of experience through my work with Hope for Healing.Org. He's not as afraid to speak to people who live in circumstances that are less than idyllic. Doing so can be a humbling reminder of who God is and where He lives...

Like he was on Friday...

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