Saturday, August 28, 2010

Parenting tips made easy

Many thanks to Lyn Lomasi for participating in our Blogathon!

Parenting any child is tough. The challenge can be made even harder after any kind of abuse, domestic violence or sexual violence.

Communicating successfully with your child is a key building block to establishing a good parenting relationship. This is a pretty tall order under the best of circumstances. Building a relationship can begin at any stage although it may take extra effort when working with older children or teenagers.

One of our Hope for Healing.Org Blogathon 2010 participants writes for Parent Successfully. The blog is full of tips that may be useful for any parent. You'll find information on every stage of development from pregnancy to teenagers. It's definitely worth a look.

Lyn Lomasi also writes for the following blogs. No doubt you will want to take a look at these too.


Lyn Lomasi said...

As much coverage as I have around the web, it's the least I could do to help support a great cause. I hope my efforts were helpful and I hope my sites are also helpful to your readers. :)

Gayle said...

We appreciate your support but we're happier to recommend your work. Your blogs have been helpful to me. I'm sure that our readers will enjoy visiting them as well. Right readers? :)