Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Founder Presents at TCADSV Conference 3/31

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Using Social Media (Twitter, Blogs, Facebook) to Advance the Cause of Your Nonprofit

If you don't know the difference between a blog, podcast or tweet you're in luck. Our founder, Gayle D'Ambrosio-Crabtree is presenting at the TCADSV conference tomorrow (3/31.) Conference attendees will want to attend. She'll be covering social media basics to help agencies maximize networking and connect with volunteers. Best of all, most of the social media platforms are free!

Complementing this presentation is the ebook Social Media: The Nonprofit Connection It is available for immediate download. This informative tool answers many questions that nonprofits have about social media. It is the perfect adjunct accompaniment to this week's workshop.

PS Don't forget to use the handy social media share button at the top of this page. It makes tweeting easy. Go Twitter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What great news! It's time more people offline knew about Hope for Healing.org. You have done what nobody else has been able to do and that is help me heal. I don't know what would have happened if you hadnt been online allof those years ago. You are a busy lady. Keep telling everybody.