Saturday, May 23, 2009

New Intern Spills All

Searches on this link help victims.

Hey guys! Samantha here. Today was my second day here at and it was pretty great. I rummaged through clothes and I got to learn a little more about the place and what it is that I will be doing. I also worked with some of the teenage volunteers who seemed really excited to be there and to be helping. It was good getaway time for them to spend with friends and to help others. I am really excited to be working with them this summer.
I also met Allie and she was great. I still feel a little spacey about everything and I can tell this is going to be a great experience for me. I will, however, be better at my job later once I get the hang on things and I am really grateful for this opportunity.
For me to be able to learn about Domestic Violence and learn how to better help people who have been victims of this sort of thing is really big. I have always had issues with these subjects, just because I have seen so many people go through these situations. It is the the same with rape. Domestic violence and rape are some of the worst kinds of evil out there. The word evil may be too strong or it might not even be strong enough, depending on who you are. I just cannot wait to get more insight and to learn about what more I can do.
This is a growing experience and for that I am grateful.

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